About Us

Montfortian Education is committed to Gospel values of Equality, fraternity, freedom and human brotherhood, striving to transform the society through the education mission. We, the Montfort Brothers of St. Gabriel together with all our associates, by our value based educational endeavors hope to build a fraternal society by moulding the personality of each individual under our care, trusting in God and drawing inspiration from our Founder St.Louis Marie De Montfort. We shall strive to make socially conscious ad concerned individuals who reach the destined level of excellence and take up the resposibility as leader of intregrity with a preferential option for the less privileged.

We prepare the youth for life by promoting intellectual excellence, uprightness of character, emotional maturity, scientific temper, healthy competition, co-operation and sportsmanship through co-curricular activities, moral sensitivity to the needs and rights of others specially the most vulnerable, religious tolerance and national integration. To achieve this along with academic excellence we focus our attention on the following.
� Spiritual Dimension
� Person oriented approach
� Social or other relatedness
� Environmental responsibility
� Professional or work orientation
� National or Citizen related strategies
� International understanding and Universal brotherhood